Beating the this crazy world!


Wow...Victoria Secret

Wow! It has been awhile since my last post. Today is the last day of the month of August and oh my how days fly it is so fast you don't recognized it is almost Fall.

And speaking of Fall, next to that is Winter!! In my state where me and my husband resides we got snow all the time. Though it is not as some other states but still snow is snow! Sometimes we wake up our driveway is full of snow or sometimes not. But, I will tell more of this when Fall and Winter is here.

For now, we have lots of sun today. It is very nice outside I am wearing shorts and a tees just to get more tan because for all I know next days ahead will be going to cool down. Anyhow, many people specially my husbands relatives like my skin is so tan that even if american girls will go to tanning salon all time they couldn't get what I've got, thanks to my malayan ancestors. hehe. BUT, the thing is I don't like my skin tone not that much though. I like to have fair skin the mestiza kind of type skin, because it seems to me that it is more prettier. Somehow, my dh always told me that I have a nice skin tone and that american women is drolling and paying that much just to have my skin tone. In a way, I love that idea but inside my drawer I have 4 whitening lotions that I recently bought hehe.

Yesterday, I was browsing the net and I happened to end up browsing the Victoria secret website. I was looking for shoe sales voila I found two pair of shoes that catches my eyes. Hayyyyy I looked at it I found out it is not on sale. But still I looked at it closely and I do LIKE it.

Here are the pictures:

Isn't it so gorgeous??? Last night, I was thinking about it when I woke up I thought about it and now I make a blog about it. Hubby told me to get it but I had a second thought though, I know what ever I want hubby will give it to me. But I was thinking I will just let Sunday passed by let me see if those shoes still stucked in my mind. Fingers crossed!!


Those Tailgaters...

Well guys specially those who are new to this country do you noticed that their are people who like to tailgate? I hate it specially when I am the one driving, even if my DH is the one driving he also doesn't like it. One time I was driving going to my friends house. All of a sudden this black impala car was right behind me. He was obviously like to speed up because I was running like 55mph which is the speed limit but still he is tailgating me but I don't want to speed up because I don't want a ticket.
I speed up a bit but to my dismay he is still tailgating me. What I did was maintained the speed limit and to heck with him. Then all of a sudden he likes to passed me. There I had the chance to come up an idea I won't let him passed me. So when he speed up I speed up it is like doing a drag race? Yup, it was a kind of adrenalin rush running through me and it was a two way street. When he sees that a car is coming to us he backed up. I was really laughing he couldn't passed me until we meet I turn left and he goes straight. I saw him flashing the dirty finger but I was just so amused I couldn't help but laughing till I reached my friends house.
When I get home I told everything what happened and he said that it was not good that I do that. If he meet an accident it would be my fault. Hmmpp my isang kilay tumaas. Dh told me too if somebody likes to pass let them pass and not be provoke by it. Well, what can I say everything that DH had said are just right. So yun ngayon if somebody likes to tailgate me I just flash my break sign so many times inorder for the other car to know that I don't like him/her at my back.

The other day, I saw this bumper sign that says:

Back off I'll step my break with no apparent reason!!


My driving

I never dream of driving not even in my most super duper exciting dream. But when some of my friends came here in US and told me that I should and would know how to drive I started to think about it. Just think not dreaming.

When I arrived here, of course the last of the things that I would and should do is to learn how to drive. Everytime I attended to some of the Filipina parties hubby has to be there. Even with my shopping galore hubby is the one who drive me to the shopping mall. But I don't have a problem with it since hubby is too understandable and he also like to hang around with me even if it takes forever for me to shop.

Until hubby asked me when I am going to start learning how to drive. That stunned me and I thought at that time that this will be the end of my being a passenger career. My mind was fasting so fast to try to think what alibi will I tell my hubby. I told my hubby it is winter and I don't like to drive in winter it is snowing. But to my dismay hubby told me it doesn't matter I have to learned how to drive in winter or snow time since we lived in a state that has lots of snow in winter. I can't find any excuse then so I did try.

My first drive I ended up at the snow bank. Yucks!! Hubby told me don't steer too hard or too fast. I feel like he was shouting at me I also answered him DONT SHOUT AT ME!! Everytime I try to drive I ended up crying, sulking in one corner because I felt that hubby was so mean at me. Wahhh!!

Until he told me that he will put me in a driving school and I did. I was so confident and feeling alright driving with my instructor. Hubby told me that I was good and he asked me how come I didn't end up having a FIT! I told him because my driving instructor didn't shout at me. He just give me a big grin.

After all those bouts of getting an exam for drivers permit and taking the road test I come out alright. Now I am driving 2 years in my own car. What I like to share to the new drivers just be on guard. Be patient and always on the look out. And of course before you drive say a little prayer it helps.


My house...

We saw on tv and movie how nice and huge houses here in
America. Then we are so amazed how they maintained there lawn too. But nobody think how they got it and how much??

In PI even if we deny it or not but those nice houses, uniformed design, gated and well maintained lawns are those houses that are in a subdivision or villages. In other words they are in the upper strata of the society. So they say.

But here is the thing. When I get here in US I never thought that this so called "my houses" huge and not so huge are in mortgage for 30 years. In other words the bank owns it first and you have to pay for them every month. And then I found out too that this causes always a rift or quarrel among Filipinos!! Yup, too many pinays fight because their houses are being down graded by someone. And this "houses" causes many Filipinos and kano too to work their butt just to pay for the mortgage every month.

Now as the economic crunch that we felt too many houses are being foreclose even celebrities couldn't make it and I felt sad knowing that people who tried to keep their houses can't do it no more. Ang hirap na kasi nang buhay ngayon.