Wow...Victoria Secret
Wow! It has been awhile since my last post. Today is the last day of the month of August and oh my how days fly it is so fast you don't recognized it is almost Fall.
And speaking of Fall, next to that is Winter!! In my state where me and my husband resides we got snow all the time. Though it is not as some other states but still snow is snow! Sometimes we wake up our driveway is full of snow or sometimes not. But, I will tell more of this when Fall and Winter is here.
For now, we have lots of sun today. It is very nice outside I am wearing shorts and a tees just to get more tan because for all I know next days ahead will be going to cool down. Anyhow, many people specially my husbands relatives like my skin is so tan that even if american girls will go to tanning salon all time they couldn't get what I've got, thanks to my malayan ancestors. hehe. BUT, the thing is I don't like my skin tone not that much though. I like to have fair skin the mestiza kind of type skin, because it seems to me that it is more prettier. Somehow, my dh always told me that I have a nice skin tone and that american women is drolling and paying that much just to have my skin tone. In a way, I love that idea but inside my drawer I have 4 whitening lotions that I recently bought hehe.
Yesterday, I was browsing the net and I happened to end up browsing the Victoria secret website. I was looking for shoe sales voila I found two pair of shoes that catches my eyes. Hayyyyy I looked at it I found out it is not on sale. But still I looked at it closely and I do LIKE it.
Here are the pictures:
Isn't it so gorgeous??? Last night, I was thinking about it when I woke up I thought about it and now I make a blog about it. Hubby told me to get it but I had a second thought though, I know what ever I want hubby will give it to me. But I was thinking I will just let Sunday passed by let me see if those shoes still stucked in my mind. Fingers crossed!!
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