Credit cards
I couldn’t believe that this small plastic card can ruin ones life. Sometimes, it is even the reason some families split up. Before, I came here I worked for 9 years back in PI. It was in the mid 90’s that our company started to use the ATM for our salary disbursement. It was here that I was so exposed with too many credit card offers. Then when I get here hubby immediately gave me credit cards, atm card (debit), insurance card and even processing for my green card hehe.
But then I was all used to pay in cash so I am too hesitant to use the credit card nor the debit card when I do shopping. But as time goes by I feel at ease in using credit or debit card. Thankfully I knew how to control myself not to overdo the shopping spree since it is easy to think that I just swipe the plastic card and voila you’ve got the things that you like. But as the bills comes you started to scratch your head and even if there is nothing to scratch you still scratch hehe.
Now, we all feel the crunch of the american economy. We spend the same amount of money but we get less and less of things we get. So I keep on bugging hubby to wipe out some of our credit cards. Thankfully we paid off four credit cards and I feel good about it. And I vow not to succumb to too many credit cards not ever again.